Licensed Psychologist
2203 Thorndyke Ave W.
Seattle, WA 98199
(206) 926-3866

Like all therapists, I'm really good at helping people with some things and less expert at helping with other things. Perhaps I had less training in that area or my approach to therapy is not considered the ideal treatment plan for that issue.
I've listed what I consider to be my specialties (left) and issues I usually refer people to other professionals for (right.) Referrals are nothing to take personally; in fact, it's my ethical duty to recommend you see someone else if I think you'd be in better hands!
Of course, it’s impossible to capture every unique, individual story people bring to therapy on a static list. If you don't see something important to you mentioned on this list, just ask me about it!

What I can help with
Making sense of adult life transitions
Life events that occurred (or were supposed to but didn't.) Expected or unexpected changes. Changes you thought would be happy that weren't. Planning for fun, making positive changes.
Loss of a dream, a role or an ability
like fertility issues, financial change, aging, physical ability. Loss of a position or of respect.
Desire to get into/out of a relationship or to have stronger partnership. Unrequited love, family or cultural expectations, coming out to self or others. Desire to be single or have different partner.
Frustration with your own patterns or those of the kind of people you're interested in.
Missing a person or pet, or preparing to lose them
Making sense of multiple losses, changes to friendships, meaning of life over time.
Career disillusionment or distress
Considering career change, retirement,
return to school.
Chronic illness (you or someone close)
Depression, irritability, sensitivity to criticism, low mood, apathy, difficulty following through
Low self-esteem, not pursuing opportunities
Anxiety, difficulty relaxing, trouble sleeping,
fears that annoy you or limit you
Letting small mishaps really tweak you, uptightness, over-thinking details
Strategies for current family, relationship or colleague dynamics
Understanding how your childhood affects your strengths and weaknesses as an adult
Grief, letting go, preparing for loss.
Being able to give up on ideas when it's time.
Body image, eating issues
Gender or sexual identity, GLBTQ issues
Shyness or feeling outside the norm
Opportunity to discuss something you're embarrassed about or are compulsive about
Over-responsibility, guilt, avoiding conflict

Referral to a therapist
who'd help more
Anger management, impulse control
Anorexia nervosa
Attention deficit or learning challenges
Autistic spectrum
Bipolar affective disorder or "Bipolar I"
(formerly called manic-depression)
Chemical dependency​
Child custody evaluations
Disability or worker's compensation evaluations
("L & I" evals)
Domestic violence
Easily offended, sharp mood swings
Severe trauma or dissociative identity
Therapy from a religious perspective
Therapy using a 12-step approach
Those younger than early 30s (usually.)
I specialize in mid-life, but occasionally work with younger adults who are "old souls" (who have never felt at home with people their own age.)